rumor sony xperia z bukan sony xperia yuga

rumor sony xperia z bukan sony xperia yuga - Sonys oft-leaked upcoming 5-inch smartphone / tablet hybrid, the device codenamed Yuga, is to be sold under the name Xperia Z. At least thats what the rumor of ,[Rumor] Sony 'Yuga' to Launch as Sony Xperia Z and will actually launch as the next Xperia device, the Sony Xperia Z. This rumor also seems to confirm some ,Rumor: Sony Yuga is the new Sony Xperia Z Rumor: Sony Yuga is the new Sony Xperia Z Android News apk download. December 21st, 2012 xuanduana1k10cl .,(Rumor) Sony Xperia Z (Yuga) Bocoran untuk smartphone Android dengan layar display Full HD pertama dari Sony yaitu Xperia Z (Yuga) ,Rumor: Sony Odin to be sold as the Xperia X, Sony Xperia X (Odin) to be the dual-SIM version of the Xperia Z (Yuga), design details leaked; Sony LT29i Hayabusa ,Since we knew the existence of the Sony Xperia Sony Z formerly Yuga we have been following the rumors of this device which aims to become one of the best smartphones ,The Sony C660X Yuga will come to the market as the Sony Xperia Z we are hearing. Pingback: Rumor: Sony Yuga to be called Xperia Z, ,Sony Xperia Z (Yuga) Rumors Round Up. Posted by Malinda Alahakoon on Jan 03, 2013 in Notes. The most anticipated and the excited tech event of the year, ,Rumor: Android 4.3 coming to Galaxy S3 and Galaxy Note 2, not Android 4.2.2; the Sony Xperia Z or the Yuga is turning out to be a very interesting device.,Sony's flagship for next year, the C660X Xperia Yuga, is bound to get a more market-friendly name before launch and rumor has it that it will be Xperia Z. The phone
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